Dharmic Religions

Dharmic religions are basically Indian, with the main religions being Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Ayyavazhi. These religions are similar in core beliefs, modes of worship and associated practices, which are a result of their common history of origin and mutual influence.

The earliest of these religions was the Vedic religion, which lasted more or less from 1500 to 500 BCE.

Specific rituals and sacrifices of the Vedic religion included:

Fire rituals including animal sacrifice.

The Darsapaurnamasa which were the New and Full moon sacrifices.

The Caturmasya or seasonal sacrifices every four months.

Sacrifices for special wishes at any time.

The Ashvamedha or horse sacrifice.

The Purushamedha or human sacrifice.

The Atharvaveda are rites that were concerned witn medicine and healing practices, charms and sorcery both white and black majic.

The domestic grihya rituals, which dealt with the rites of passage from conception to death and beyond.

These religions share many rituals:

Cremation of the dead.

The wearing of vermillion on the head, by married women.

Marital rituals.

The main four Dharmic faiths have similar thoughts of karma, dharma, samsara, moksha and Yoga. These terms are perceived as slightly different within each religion, but Rama is a heroic figure in all these religions.





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