Charismatic Movement

The charismatic movement surfaced early in the two churches that are most hierarchal and sacramental in their organizations and in churches where priests have monopolized the church.

This movement was also referred to as neo-Pentecostalism and emerged in the 1960s and increased in the 1970s but have since backed off.

The church shares with Pentecostals an enthusiastic and experimental practice to religion. In particular they share a belief in “baptism of the holy spirit” and the “gifts of Spirit” such as speaking in tongues, healing and prophesy.

The charismatics still seek to establish themselves as a revitalizing force into the mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic churches.

Note the word charisma is derived from the Greek word “charisma” meaning “gift” of the God and is used when referring to one who is capable of using their personal charm, rather than just speech or logic, to communicate with other human beings in a personal or direct manner, to profess an argument or concept

The movement generally embraces orthodox Christian teachings, stressing particularly Christ’s divinity. The church hierarchy, up to and including Pope John Paul II has been supportive.

Morally the adherents see society as being in a state of crisis to which spiritual activities such as prayer and worship are an appropriate response. Charismatics diverge from Pentecostals in their liberal attitudes on abortion, divorce, premarital sex and homosexuality.

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