Religious Database Countries MNO
This religious database is presented to simply inform where the varied religious populations live. These statistics are since 2008 and there may be a slight change in these numbers through time.
Countries M
Macedonia population 2,061,000
Macedonian Orthodox 659,520
Muslim> 350,370
Madagascar population 20,042,000
Indigenous 10,421,840
Christian 8,217,220
Muslim 1,402,940
Malawi population 13,932,000
Christian 11,145,600
Muslim 1,811,160
Malaysia population 25,260,000
Muslim 3,536,400
Buddhist 3,536,400
Daoist 3,536,400
Hindu 3,536,400
Christian 3,536,400
Sikh 3,536,400
Shamanism 3,536,400
Maldives population 379,174
Sunni Muslim 360,215
Mali 12,324,000
Muslim 11,091,600
Indigenous 1,109,160
Christian 123,240
Malta population 403,532
Roman Catholic 395,284
Marshall Islands population 63,174
Protestant 37,745
Assembly of God 16,425
Roman Catholic 5,053
Bukot non Jesus 1,895
Mormon 1,263
Christian 1,263
Mauritania population 3,365,000
Muslim 3,365,000
Mauritius population 1,261,000
Hindu 605,280
Roman Catholic 302,640
Muslim 214,370
Mexico population 109,955,000
Roman Catholic 97,859,950
Protestant 6,597,300
Micronesia population 107,673
Roman Catholic 53,836
Protestant 50,606 Moldova population 4,325,000
Eastern Orthodox 4,238,500
Jewish 865,000
Monaco population 32,796
Roman Cathoilc 29,516
Mongolia,/b> poulation 2,996,000
Buddhist Lamaist 1,498,000
Muslim 119,840
Shamanism 59,920
Christian 59,920
Montenegro population 678,177
Orthodox 226,059
Muslim 226,059
Roman Catholic 226,059
Morocco population 34,273,000
Muslim 33,930,270
Christian 342,730
Mozambique population 21,285,000
Mozambique 5,108,400
Muslim 3,831,300
Zionist Christian 3,831,300
Myanmar population 47,759,000
Buddhist 42,505,510
Baptist 1,432,770
Roman Catholic 477,590
Muslim 1,910,360
animist 477,590
Countries N
Namibia population 2,064,000
Christian 1,754,400
Indigenous 309,600
Nauru population 13,770
Christian 9,088
Protestant 4,682
Nepal population 29,519,000
Hindu 23,929,390
Buddhist 3,247,090
Muslim 1,180,760
Kirant 1,180,760
Netherlands population 16,645,000
Roman Catholic 5,159,950
Dutch Reformed 2,163,850
Calvinist 1,165,150
Muslim 998,700
New Zealand population 4,154,000
Anglican 623,100
Roman Catholic 498,480
Presbyterian 456,940
Methodist 124,350
Pentecostal 83,080
Baptist 41,540
Nicauraga population 5,781,000
Roman Catholic 4,220,130
Evangelical 867,150
Moravian 115,620 Niger population 13,273,000
Muslim 10,618,400
Christian 1,327,300
Indigenous 1,327,300
Nigeria population 138,283,000
Muslim 69,141,500
Christian 55,313,200
Indigenous 13,828,300
Norway population 4,645,000
Evangelical Lutheran 3,994,700
Pentecostal 46,450
Roman Catholic 46,450
Northern Ireland population 1,689,000
Presbyterian 422,250
Church of Ireland 422,250
Roman Catholic 422,250
Methodist 422,250
Countries O
Oman population 3,309,000
Sunni Muslim 827,250
Sunni Shia 827,250
Hindu 827,250
Religious database countries MNO. World Religion Map
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